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Classes are tailored to suit company’s requirements.

The wellness sessions are designed to support better health at work and/or to improve their health and wellbeing. Not only does office yoga give a boost of energy, but it can prevent a burnout feeling.

Employees don’t need to be a yoga expert to take advantage of the exercise. Regardless of experience, fitness levels, gender and age one can attend and discover its many benefits.

Our wellness session aims at reducing stress, restores energy levels, relaxation and provides an enjoyable experience for everyone.


We provide a free consultation to identify your company needs. We advice on suitable wellness strategies from the range of yoga, meditation, sound therapy and mindfulness classes & options.

Please visit Our Services page.

Your Investment

Fees may vary depending on a number of factors including session duration, time of day and the number of participants.

We also offer discounts if you book bulk sessions or more than one class per week throughout the term.

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